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Brain, Body, Behavior, Soul, together make up Strong Beings

Strong Beings is a set of strengths that men and women develop throughout our lives, human beings with physical strengths, others with spiritual strengths and others with mental strengths, all of them make up Strong Beings. Here you can find a group of people who fight to be better every day, breaking with their weaknesses and who are willing to show you how they have managed to overcome the barriers that were limiting at some point.



Hello my name is Carlos Ugas, I will tell you a brief story about me and how I formed this company, which is full of events and moments that you will surely feel identified since all human beings without exception experience difficulties that show that we are here to learn and enjoy the ride.

For more than 20 years I have dedicated myself to studying and analyzing the performance of our anatomy, During this period I learned about how our body works and how to get the best performance out of it.I have lived like any other person difficult, family, economic, physical circumstances that affected my physical performance and my health.

Carlos Ugas, "The Pilgrim". Founder 


Hello, my name is Linda Cubillan, for more than 4 years I have been part of this project, time I have with my husband and founder Carlos Ugas, since then and through a process of spiritual and mental catharsis that has touched the physical, I have achieved transform the consciousness and the body of this creature that I have the blessing to care for, love and respect. All of this learning has given me tools to improve my health, my cognitive levels, my strength and overall longevity. At  my 31 years old I feel in the best moment of my life, with much more to learn and more to contribute to this wonderful movement that I invite you to join and work hand in hand with excellent human beings who are in turn in the infinite search of being Strong Beings.

Linda Cubillan, "The Wonderwoman" Co-Founder


This is your Space and Thank your for be here and be part of Strong Beings.

...always with you

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